Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Rock Hard Fitness - Body Weight Training For Strength!

Who says you need equipment and heavy weights alone to get stronger? The truth is that lifting heavy weights can get you stronger, but its not the only way that will get you stronger. You can apply body weight exercises that will be highly effective in building your strength levels by making the body weight drills more intense through movements and various methods of creative weight distribution. Read on if I have your attention.

Body Weight

Body Weight Exercises For Strength

Body weight exercises can help you to achieve extraordinary strength by building your core muscles through stabilization and control. Traditional exercises such as push ups and pull ups can be manipulated by doing one arm drills and creative movements to make the exercises extremely challenging. It is my professional experience that has led me to believe that the fittest individuals and athletes that can handle their own resistance in these types of drills allows them to be the best in their sport and personal levels of competition.

To make better sense of what I am talking about I want you to imagine doing a normal set of push ups. Now I want to assume that you can properly perform a push up by keeping your body perfectly straight and rigid from your shoulders all the way to your ankles. This doesn't mean that you can crank out a 100 sloppy reps of push ups. I am talking about executing a full range of motion with your chest to the floor and not bobbing up and down from the hip up. Your body should move at a pivot from the balls of your feet to your shoulders. Now in order to intensify this drill you can do many things. You can elevate your feet on a bench, lift one leg off of the ground, or even execute a one arm push up. The key is learning how to redistribute your body weight to make the exercise more intense.

If you can intensify these drills you will find that the push up exercise can become much more demanding. By doing this you are maximizing the tension on your muscles by creating more force to get through the drill. Tension is the law of strength! If you can maximize the load or tension on your muscles more and more over time you will develop power. You can do the same thing with pull up exercises as well. Take the time to practice these and you will see just what I am talking about.
If you haven't already started on an effective body weight strength training program then feel free to access the rest of my articles to learn how to do so. You have to put in the time to get the results. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

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